Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path. Proverbs 3:5,6
How Leaning on Our Own Understanding Will Never
Explain Our Mess
God made man in His own image, breathed into us the gift of common sense, and proclaimed, “It is good.”
Yet God urges us not to rely on our own understanding. Because “our understanding” will always ask how a good God can allow cheating spouses and pink slips. “Our understanding” is no solace when we are weeping beside a grave. Or holding divorce papers.
We believe we know how our lives should play out—everything wrapped up with a bow. But ribbons unravel and the whole world stops making sense.
Instead, God urges us to Faith. To trust Him beyond the boundaries of science and sense. We are to attune our hearts to a chord that is divinely complex and mysterious. It is a chord that reverberates from the guttural moans of Gethsemane to the radiant joy of the resurrection. It pulses from the passionate love of Christ.
Our common sense is designed to help us navigate in our fallen world. But it has little use in the spiritual realm.
In spiritual warfare, our common sense should be as little use to us as Saul’s bulky armor on young David as he faced Goliath. When faced with giants, relying on common sense only breeds Fear. And Fear undermines Faith.
What is your giant? Is it a person who has betrayed you, who cuts deep with words of guilt or accusations? Is it a soul pain that drags on day after miserable day with no end in sight? Is your task to love the unlovable?
Sometimes all we can do is muster the faith to gather five little smooth stones. Maybe faith, hope, love. Maybe gentleness, kindness.
But those five stones in the hands of a faithful God can slay giants.
And often His answer doesn’t make sense.
But those five stones in the hands of a faithful God can slay giants.
Right now you may sit weeping beside a grave, but God is writing your story, beloved. Though God may not deliver you as expected, do not focus on what God will do for you.
Rather, focus on Who. He. Is.
He is real. More real than the bed you are kneeling beside.
As surely as the resurrection, joy will replace your mourning. And beauty will replace the ashes.
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Jesus' Response:
My child, I am sorry my answers to your prayers are taking so long. But keep your gaze on Me, and do not lose heart.
Imagine for a moment you are a tiny bug on the surface of a lake and I am standing in the water beside you. As a speck on the surface, you see a only a minute portion of My legs. But infinitely above you and below you is the rest of Me. Even though your world may be unraveling, does it make sense to question Me when you have no idea what is happening below the surface of the water or above?
Although it goes against common sense, My timing is perfect. My wisdom is higher than yours. I know what I am planning for you.
And It. Is. Spectacular.
Instead of relying on your own understanding, you must rely on the fact that I am beyond understanding.
Imagine for a moment you are a tiny bug on the surface of a lake and I am standing in the water beside you. As a speck on the surface, you see a only a minute portion of My legs. But infinitely above you and below you is the rest of Me. Even though your world may be unraveling, does it make sense to question Me when you have no idea what is happening below the surface of the water or above?
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Although it goes against common sense, My timing is perfect. My wisdom is higher than yours. I know what I am planning for you.
I hear your cries, and I promise I will answer you so completely and fully you won’t believe your eyes.
I wish with all My heart you could feel the depth of My pain for you. Watch for My love for you in your Every Day. Look for Me in your Ordinary.
As you write another business report. In the bottomless pile of laundry. In the dead tired.
As you write another business report. In the bottomless pile of laundry. In the dead tired.
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I saw your tears and heard your prayers this morning. That mourning dove who made her nest under your porch cooed a love song to you. That was Me weeping with you.
My love waved hello through the wings of that curious hummingbird staring at you outside the kitchen window.
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And after being pummeled at work with smirks and condescension followed by “What’s-for-dinner?” I painted a brilliant promise in the sky just for you during rush hour. A pledge that I will surely send beauty after the raging wind and destruction.
Through lessons learned in the storm, you will know Me more intimately than you ever could otherwise. With your own eyes you will see your Teacher.
I am writing a grand story for you! Plans for your good, not for evil—to give you a future and a hope. Oh, the glory which will come from your part in My plan!
I WILL NOT let you down! Do not lean on your own understanding. On what you think should be.
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